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Welcome to my portfolio! :)


My contributions:

  • Improvement of the food/drink cycle system

  • Set up of the basis of the saving system

  • Creation of the settings menu

  • Setting up QA testing strategies to find as many as possible bugs for the early access release

Flotsam -

Pajama Llama Games

Internship during summer 2019 for 4 months, as a gameplay programmer and QA tester


I did some quality tests on mixed reality projects with microsoft HoloLens.

  • Debugs and feedbacks

  • Management of the bugs database

  • Review and presentations of projects to clients and coworkers

  • Smoke and functionnal tests

  • Tests on a custom Unity Plugin for mixed reality

Various projects -

HoloForge - Asobo studio

Internship during summer 2020 for 6 months, as a QA tester


What I coded and did QA for:

  • All the character's movements

  • 2 out of 3 of Abadel's powers

  • Ui menus and in game interface

  • Sound implementation

  • Many gameplay objects used by the level designer

  • and much more...!

Aefen Fall -

Studio 9.7

Aefen fall is my graduation project, that was release on steam on December 2020. I was the only gameplay programmer, and also did some QA! We were a team of 9.

Don't hesitate to test it!


© 2022 by Eve BOUCHARD

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